In this autocad tutorial you’ll learn how to draw tap symbol.
1. Open a new drawing. Click New
2. Make sure Ortho mode is OFF, (it ON when it glow in blue, OFF in grey)
click the icon to turn it ON or OFF. (or press F8 to toggle)
3. Type z [Space bar], type e [Space bar]. This will zoom extents your drawing area.
4. Make sure you have this requirement Layers for your drawing.
No idea how to create layer? Read autocad tutorial about how to create layers.
5. Make sure layer 0 is selected as current layer.
6. Click Circle , type 0,0 [Enter] to set center of the circle,
set circle radius to 0.125, type 0.125 [Enter].
7. Click Offset , set offset distance to 0.025, click at the circle as offset object.
Click inside the circle as offset side.
Press [Esc] few times to end offset command.
8. Click on outer circle edge,
and change the layer to HIDDEN layer.
press [Esc] few times.
9. Change the current layer to CENTER LINE layer.
On ribbon tools, click Annotate>Dimensions>Center mark
Click on outer edge of any circle to mark its center.
10. Click Home>Scale,
select the center mark cross,
Press [Enter] to confirm selection.
Click on midpoint of the cross as scale base point,
Set scale factor to 4, type 4 [Enter].
11. Your tap is ready, you might consider to block this tap as future usage. How to create block?
1. Open a new drawing. Click New
2. Make sure Ortho mode is OFF, (it ON when it glow in blue, OFF in grey)
click the icon to turn it ON or OFF. (or press F8 to toggle)
3. Type z [Space bar], type e [Space bar]. This will zoom extents your drawing area.
4. Make sure you have this requirement Layers for your drawing.
No idea how to create layer? Read autocad tutorial about how to create layers.
5. Make sure layer 0 is selected as current layer.
6. Click Circle , type 0,0 [Enter] to set center of the circle,
set circle radius to 0.125, type 0.125 [Enter].
7. Click Offset , set offset distance to 0.025, click at the circle as offset object.
Click inside the circle as offset side.
Press [Esc] few times to end offset command.
8. Click on outer circle edge,
and change the layer to HIDDEN layer.
press [Esc] few times.
9. Change the current layer to CENTER LINE layer.
On ribbon tools, click Annotate>Dimensions>Center mark
Click on outer edge of any circle to mark its center.
10. Click Home>Scale,
select the center mark cross,
Press [Enter] to confirm selection.
Click on midpoint of the cross as scale base point,
Set scale factor to 4, type 4 [Enter].
11. Your tap is ready, you might consider to block this tap as future usage. How to create block?
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